Tuesday, July 7, 2009

On the road again..

So you may or may not know that I just got back from traveling around SE Asia with my friend, Ally. Well.. I'm off on another crazy trip! But this time I'm heading south instead of east to Central America.. and maybe a little of South America too. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and decided maybe I should keep a blog this time cause I'm not really the best at writing update emails, or in my journal for that matter. So I'm giving this blogging thing a try and hoping it will help the cause.

I arrive tomorrow night in Panama City where I will meet up with Lara (!!), who is meeting me on her way back from India. Yes, we are quite the worldly pair.

Anyway.. check back often. Maybe I'll even make a post.. it could get crazy. Get ready. Eek!

(p.s. check out lara's blog too http://smilesandrainbowsandturnips.blogspot.com)